Introduction and School Overview:
Stovall-Shaw Elementary School is a PreK-5th grade community school with a choice program devoted to helping students grow in a positive way both physically and academically by utilizing the CATCH program. Our school population is approximately 350 students. We are a diverse Title I school with a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students. Over the past five years the school has faced a school merger, a pandemic, and the constant pull from a nearby charter school, which has changed the enrollment numbers as well as the demographic makeup of the school. We feel that we have mostly moved past those changes and are now embracing our new normal. We still have lingering effects from the pandemic as seen in our lower attendance rates. This year we hope to significantly increase that number as we also increase student growth, therefore raising our overall proficiency rates.
Goal or Performance Measure #1:
Students will grow academically
By June 2024, students will demonstrate academic growth by meeting their growth goal according to iReady and by attaining a growth score of 75 or higher in all subgroups, subjects, and overall according to EOG data. (A4.01, B3.03, C2.01, A3.10)
Success Indicators:
Relevant Data:
According to the 2022-2023 EOG data was rated with a report card grade of D and a score of 50. Our achievement score was 44.8 and growth score was 71.1. Our goal is to have an overall achievement score of 50 and a growth score of 75, which will place us as a C.
Reading Scores -
3rd - 38.5%, 4th - 35.6%, 5th - 28.6%
Math Scores -
3rd - 76.5%, 4th - 53.3%, 5th - 40.8%
Success Indicators:
At MOY 75% of K-5 students will have reached at least half of their growth goal in reading and math as determined by iReady
At EOY at least 75% of students will have reached their growth goal in reading and math as determined by iReady
EVAAS growth index for EOG will be 0.0 or higher in all subjects and subgroups.
A3.10 - All teachers use assessment data and match instruction and supports to individual student needs
A4.01 - The school implements a tiered instructional system that allows teachers to deliver evidence-based instruction aligned with the individual needs of students across all tiers.
B3.03 - The principal monitors curriculum and classroom instruction regularly and provides timely, clear, constructive feedback to teachers.
C2.01 - The LEA/School regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs.
Action Steps:
Summary: How are we going to accomplish our goals?
Sharing School Wide Data -
Teachers will upload all BOY, MOY, EOY data into the school-wide data sheet.
Grade level teams will share relevant grade level data sheets to the grade level folders in the school drive to monitor formative assessments at the end of each unit.
Strong Core Instruction
PLC teams will utilize Performance Based Objectives for each standard which will be posted in the classrooms and the academic vocabulary will be explicitly taught
Classroom teachers will utilize PLC team documents, ie Google Sheets or Plan Books to record the targeted standards, PBO, important vocabulary, measurable outcome, lessons and activities, as well as what to do for enrichment and remediation
Admin will use feedback provided in the beginning of the year meeting to make decisions about school wide professional development sessions such as additional Heggerty training.
Evidence of Individual Independent Differentiation taking place WEEKLY - This is for CORE instruction and not just tiered interventions
Differentiation will occur at least weekly in all classes and evidence will be demonstrated through classroom walkthroughs and student work.
Each grade level will group students across the grade for intervention Mondays for at least an hour to provide intervention support or enrichment while targeting specific standards
Administrators will conduct routine walkthroughs
Admin will routinely complete walkthroughs, with a goal of 25 total per week.
Admin will meet with PLC's to disaggregate data collected from walk-throughs and set targets for upcoming units.
MTSS will be used to address behavioral and academic challenges.
Teams will meet with the MTSS team every 4-6 weeks with all relevant data present and ready to analyze before the meeting.
Teachers will write Tier II and Tier III plans using specific interventions aligned to targeted goals for students not demonstrating proficiency and not progressing towards proficiency.
All teachers will be trained and supported on how to effectively utilize ECATS to track students' progress towards meeting targeted goals.
Progress monitoring will be completed as directed by the tiered plan and then uploaded into ECATS (if not already imported) at least once per month.
Schoolwide training on updates with the exceptional children’s program to ensure proper placement and support of students.
A school behavior support committee will be formed to monitor and support students with chronic behavior concerns in order to create effective interventions plans
Professional development will be offered in order to effectively utilize Heggerty and Bridges for quality tiered instruction for student interventions.
Goal or Performance Measure #2:
Students will grow in basic reading skills
By June 2024, at least 60% of students in kindergarten through 2nd grade will be proficient in basic reading skills as measured by mClass. (A4.01, B3.03, C2.01, A3.10)
Success Indicators:
Relevant Data:
Overall mClass results from K-2nd grade EOY 2023 - 51% were proficient, 19% were approaching proficiency, and 30% were well below proficiency
Kindergarten mClass EOY Achievement 2023. 50% of students were at or above grade level. - 38% were well below grade level
1st grade mClass EOY Achievement 2023. 62% of students were at or above grade level. - 22% were well below grade level
2nd grade mClass EOY Achievement 2023. 45% of students were at or above grade level. - 26% were well below grade level
BOY iReady EOY Achievement 2023 - 63% of kindergarteners, 50% of 1st graders, and 52% of 2nd graders were proficient.
Success Indicators:
BOY, MOY and EOY results
Progress monitoring data
A3.10 - All teachers use assessment data and match instruction and supports to individual student needs
A4.01 - The school implements a tiered instructional system that allows teachers to deliver evidence-based instruction aligned with the individual needs of students across all tiers.
B3.03 - The principal monitors curriculum and classroom instruction regularly and provides timely, clear, constructive feedback to teachers.
C2.01 - The LEA/School regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs.
Action Steps:
Summary: How are we going to accomplish this goal?
* All Action steps from Goal #1 will apply for goal #2 PLUS
Every K-3rd teacher will provide daily phonics instruction using the district mandated materials
The reading specialist with meet with K-2 PLCs at least monthly to review student literacy data and make plans to target areas of need
The reading specialist and other support staff members will provide targeted reading interventions for small groups of students at least 4 times per week.
Goal or Performance Measure #3:
Student attendance will increase
Success Indicators:
Relevant Data:
2022-2023 Results - Our attendance rate was 91%
38% of our students missed 10 days or less
62% of our students missed more than 10 days.
44% of the students missed 15 days or more!
Success Indicators:
Less than 5% of students will miss more than 15 days
Less than 10% of students will miss 10-14 days
A4.06: ALL teachers are attentive to students' emotional states, guide students in managing their emotions, and arrange for supports and interventions when necessary.
E1.06: The school regularly communicates with parents/guardians about its expectations of them and the importance of the curriculum of the home (what parents can do at home to support their children's learning).
Action Steps:
Summary: How are we going to accomplish this goal?